
  • Scientific Name: Human chorionic gonadotrophine (HCG) 1500 i.u.
  • Dosage: 1500i
  • Type: Ampoules
  • Price: 30 EGP

    Medicine Description

    Pregnyl is used to treat infertility problems in women and men, as it contains active ingredients that help stimulate eggs in women and increase sperm count in men. The hormone stimulates ovulation in women, and therefore it can be used to treat infertility in women who suffer from secondary infertility and not primary ovarian failure. As for men, the luteinizing hormone is used to increase sperm production and treat disappearance of the testicle before puberty without an anatomical obstacle. Pregnyl is also used to treat certain cases of hypogonadism with a deficiency of the luteinizing hormone, such as secondary hypogonadism due to pituitary insufficiency in men.
    you should ask your doctor before taking this medicine