
  • Scientific Name: Buspirone Hcl 15mg.
  • Dosage: 15mg
  • Type: Tablets
  • Price: 85 EGP

    Medicine Description

    About Buspirone Psychotropic drug, serotonin 5-HT1A receptor partial agonist, weak Dopamine (D2) antagonist azaspirodecanediones derivative, Sedative, anxiolytic agent. Mechanism of Action of Buspirone Buspirone has a partial agonistic action on 5HT1A receptor and it stimulates presynaptic autoreceptors. This will produce a decrease in serotonin neuronal activity. It also has antagonistic action on post synaptic 5HT1A receptor. Buspirone has a weak Dopamine (D2) antagonistic action. Mood elevation may be due to facilitation of noradrenergic system. Indications for Buspirone Anxiety Typical Dosage for Buspirone Adult: 15 - 30 mg / day in 3 divided dose Initial dose: 15 mg / day in 3 divided dose. Dose can be gradually increased in every 3 days. Maximum daily dose: 60 mg / day
    you should ask your doctor before taking this medicine