
  • Scientific Name: Cataegus ext. 300mg.
  • Dosage: 300mg
  • Type: Tablets
  • Price: 20 EGP

    Medicine Description

    Properties and actions: Cardioton improves myocardial contractility via inhibition of C-AMP phosphodiesterase enzymes. It also improves tissue perfusion through a vasodilator action mediated via activation of endothelial derived relaxing factors resulting in coronary vasodilatation of normal and atherosclerotic vessels with an increase of coronary blood flow. Cardioton has peripheral arteriolar vasodilator effect with a reduction in peripheral resistance and mild reduction in blood pressure. Indications: Heart failure NYHA class I and II Ischemic heart disease Hypertension Senile cardiomyopathy Dosage: Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician- 1-2 tablets 3 times/day. Contraindications: Pregnancy, lactation and children younger than 12 years old.
    you should ask your doctor before taking this medicine