Autumnal seasonal depression and ways to treat it

21 October 2024

Autumnal seasonal depression and ways to treat it

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    • Seasonal autumn depression and its relationship to the change of seasons and methods of treatment, we often hear about seasonal depression, or depression of changing seasons, and the most famous of all is winter depression, which is called seasonal depression and usually occurs when the seasons change, and may lead to many complications if not treated medically, and is also called seasonal disorder and is considered a type of depression that affects many people as a result of seasonal changes and begins and ends at the same time every year.

      Depression and autumn

      There is a link between depression and the fall season, specifically when the seasons change and the fall season begins, many people feel a type of depression known as seasonal depression and usually occurs in late fall and early winter.

      Duration of autumn depression

      Seasonal depression may last for several days from 10 to 15 days and gradually disappears, but if the symptoms continue for more than two weeks and recur every season every year, you should resort to a psychiatrist Specialist.

      Symptoms of seasonal autumn depression

      • Weight gain.
      • Fluctuations in appetite.
      • Sleeping more than usual.
      • Feeling very sad.
      • Loss of energy and lack of passion.
      • Lack of self-esteem, self-flagellation.

      Seasonal autumn depression and its relationship to changing seasons

      When the seasons change, disturbances occur in the body's biological clock as a result of:

      • Decreased levels of light (sun) during the winter, which leads to a deficiency in vitamin D levels, which plays a role in the appearance of depression.
      • Decreased levels of serotonin in the brain, which is a chemical that affects the brain and mood and causes seasonal depression and occurs as a result of lack of exposure to the sun.
      • Imbalance in the level of melatonin in the body as a result of changing seasons Which leads to disturbances in the balance of melatonin in the body and thus affects the mood.

      Who is more susceptible to seasonal depression, men or women?

      Studies have shown that women are more susceptible to seasonal disorder (seasonal depression) than men, due to the presence of many factors that make them more susceptible to depression, including:

      • Lack of vitamin D levels in the body.
      • Family history of someone suffering from seasonal depression.
      • Patients with depression experience worsening symptoms of depression during the change of seasons.

      What are the methods of treating seasonal depression?

      There are options for treating seasonal depression, which is one of the types of depression, including:

      Drug therapy

      • Using antidepressants to increase the level of serotonin in the brain, but under the supervision of a doctor Specialist.


      • Increase vitamin D levels in the body by taking nutritional supplements, especially those containing vitamin D3, to deal with seasonal depression before symptoms appear. It is preferable to take it before entering the fall.

      Behavioral treatments

      • Seek help from specialists, family or friends to follow cognitive behavioral therapy to change negative thoughts into positive thoughts to reduce seasonal depression.

      The best medications to treat autumn seasonal depression

      Using vitamin D supplements to compensate for vitamin D deficiency in the body:

      Vidrob oral drops

      Vidrob drops contain vitamin D (cholecalciferol) to compensate for vitamin D deficiency in the body, and are suitable for children and adults. They are used orally and it is preferable to use a bottle every week for adults.

      For more detailed information About the drops click here:

      Devarol S injections

      Devarol S injections contain 20,000 units of vitamin D, work to compensate for vitamin D deficiency in severe cases, and work to prevent depression and osteoporosis resulting from vitamin D deficiency and are used from 3 to 6 months to get the best result.

      For more detailed information about the injections, click here:

      Osoforten tablets

      Osoforten is the most popular vitamin D supplement in pharmacies. It contains the daily dose of vitamin D to compensate for vitamin D deficiency in the body. Osoforten is composed of vitamin D3. Osoforten is available in concentrations of 5000 units, 50,000 units, 10,000 international units and is the best vitamin for vitamin D deficiency in the body.

      For more detailed information about the drug, click here:

      Antidepressants that contain serotonin, but are only used in severe cases under the supervision of a doctor, which are:

      Cipralex tablets

      Cipralex tablets contain escitalopram, which belongs to serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which has an effect on the brain that improves mood and reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders.

      For more detailed information about the drug, click here:

      Tablets Cipramax

      Cipramax contains the active ingredient serotonin, which belongs to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors that work to increase the level of serotonin in the brain, which affects the mood, improves the mood and eliminates depression.

      For more detailed information about the drug, click here:

      What are the complications of Seasonal Depression and Its Dangers

      If seasonal depression is neglected and its symptoms are ignored, it may get worse and lead to many complications, including:

      • Isolation.
      • Suicidal thoughts.
      • Leaving work or school.
      • Severe eating disorders.
      • Resorting to drugs or alcohol.

      Methods of preventing autumn seasonal depression

      There is no way to get rid of autumn seasonal disorders, but there are some tips that you should follow to reduce the symptoms of seasonal depression, control it and prevent the symptoms from worsening. It is preferable to start before the start of the season, including:

      • If you are taking treatments for seasonal depression, continue with them.
      • Exposure to sunlight daily for at least 30-45 minutes.
      • Seeking help from Psychologist before the start of the fall season.
      • Exercise as it helps get rid of depression, such as swimming.
      • Sleep no less than or more than 8 hours a day, with a healthy balanced diet.
      • Try to get out of the house and get closer to friends and family, and do different activities.

      We advise you to consult your specialist doctor regarding ways to notice early symptoms indicating that the depression is not improving despite treatment, to determine alternative plans for you to prevent the matter from getting worse.

      you should ask your doctor before taking this medicine